
You knew of my condition


12-11-2014, 12:05 PM

The others remained silent, with their mouths were glued shut or they decided to keep quite for their own good. Whatever the case, the women didn't care she simply watched each and every wolf there; waiting for what they had to say, what they wanted or what they wanted to do. It seemed the black brute dubbed as Sage would call her attention first - sapphire eyes narrowed silently as she said nothing despite him speaking about leaving. Arian however proved to intervene; that had if anything earned her a brownie point. Alas she was never the less quick upon her ashen feet, to stand beside Arian; allowing their pelts to mingle however slightly. "Sage; we can not afford to lose you - I can't afford to lose you or anyone here. We need every single member that is present; I do plead for you to stay. To give this new life I offer a chance - I ask no more then this from any one of you." I don't want to have to force claim you, those words went unsaid for the women was trying to be nice, comforting even. Those eyes drifted past the blackened man and to every member that was here, before shifting back to his face. This was now her home as much as it was theirs - she had to adjust just as much as they did. Hell, she had a lot more to get use to for she only had been here a few hours and nothing more.