
Demons Never Die [Meeting]

Aislyn I


Extra large
05-27-2013, 11:22 PM


She waited for Icarus to speak, but nothing come from the brute. It was odd, how he sat there, still as a statue while uproars where taking place before him. What kind of alpha was he? She listened to Fenrir speak, but she didn't care much about him. He was trouble, and surely he would be handled sooner or later. The beef was between him and Collision, not her. She would step in if needed, but as of now she would merely watch. She looked down at her child who was huddled closely against her leg, bright blue eyes gazing out over the crowd. Oh, the things that must be running through the child's mind. Then it hit her; Friction. Where was he? She looked out, scanning each face.. but nothing. She scolded herself in her mind. Why did she have to love him of all wolves? He never showed, and when he did he was always late. It made her stomach churn. As beta why couldn't she be with someone more pack orientated?

Thoughts broke as Epiphron spoke up. Her marriage. Aislyn had honestly forgotten about the whole thing until now. She listened to the alpha's words, nodding in agreement. She turned, eyes gazing into the woman's before her. "Epiphron, you are completely right. If you wish to pass your thrown to another Adravendi no one can stop you. You are the alpha female, and all decisions you make shall be respected. Besides, why not grant the marriage to someone who wants it instead of forcing it upon them? I doubt it matters which daughter marries the prince, you are all of equal value. It is to better Valhalla, not make a princess miserable. Her words were directed toward the queen, but she spoke loud enough for all of Valhalla to hear. She minded not of the new kings opinion. Who was he to rule over something he knew nothing of? This was the girl's decision, not his. As long as an Adravendi ruled what did it matter? She turned toward Chrysanthe. "You've made a wonderful beta darling, and I have questioned why you weren't promoted alpha. I agree with Epiphron, and would embrace your rule if you chose to take the title, that is, if you agree." A smile tugged at the corners of the woman's lips as she waited for a response. She thought this was a marvelous idea, one she had honestly been waiting for someone to propose.