
You knew of my condition


12-11-2014, 04:22 PM

The alpha, though her words were likely meant to provide some sort of comfort, did anything but for the yearling. The spoiled girl would lift her gaze, the tears sitting at the brims and staining her cheeks, as she regarded Morgana with at least some respect. She would swallow hard, ears still flicked back, as her emotions once more poured forth. 

"Is  that all pack wolves care about? Power? We came here to be a family... and... I don't know... you... you're not going to make us soldiers, are you?" The girl had no idea what to expect of this woman, of what was wanted of this pack. Those who sought power normally sought war... and she was not keen to draw innocent blood. Aiko would lower her gaze, feeling her heard clench as the woman spoke further. This... was her home? No it wasn't! It wasn't her home! As for this pack, the so called wolves the woman dared called her family... friends... the girl would lift her head, her voice raised and cracking with emotion.

"You don't know anything about me or this pack!" The tears were falling more heavily now. "Everyone else in my so called family abandoned this place. My stepfather, my stepmother, my uncle, even my sister! Yet I would be looked down upon because I'd want to leave with the only family I have left? This pack is a JOKE!" The girl would tremble, taking a step back. "This pack will never be my home... whether I'm here or not. I have no place!" Her emotions raging at peak levels the girl would spin on her heels, hoping Ixxion would follow her, to go somewhere else in the territory. She didn't want to see what happened with Sage. She didn't want to hear any of it anymore. She wanted her father... her real father. She wanted Hajime... and her mother... and her siblings and her uncle. She just wanted things to be how they were... how they should have been.

-Exit Aiko from thread unless stopped.- [[Note:: She's not threatening to leave the pack, merely just going off to a different part of the territory.]]

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno