
Walking on Broken Glass



4 Years
12-11-2014, 06:45 PM
She was immense, her tiny body was about to burst with the life within her. She had hardly left the family size den, her energy levels spent. Sleep eluded her, even generic rest seemed beyond her reach. She was sure that these pups would be the death of her. Still she was not with out that urge to move, to see just a little more before doomsday.

Neither Othello or Soliloquy were there to hinder her progress, and her bloated form would waddle away from the den site. She wasn't sure that her brain was playing tricks on her as an insanely familiar scent would reach her, bringing back memories almost forgotten. She'd have a odd flashback before realizing that the smell was not her imagination. Incredibly curious about the presence she would follow, with as much grace as her unborn pups would allow.

She'd crest over a small ridge and her dark eyes would finally find themselves upon his form. Ears would fall to her head as she watched him for a moment, he looked so familiar to one she once knew..

Delicate paws would carry her swollen belly a bit further, needing to know this wolf, she had to get his name. He was only a couple inches shorter than she was, and obviously not as well fed. Soliloquy treated her like the princess she was, it seemed this sibling was not thriving. Her features would tilt as she approached, curious and slowly. She didn't want to frighten him away before her questions were answered. "Are you...?" She wouldn't finish as she slowed, the distance not quite close enough to be comfortable conversing. She'd try to reform her question, "I.. think I know you?" She'd peer at him a little closer, so much time had passed since she'd seen any of her elder siblings.