
You knew of my condition


12-11-2014, 07:05 PM
All the young man could bring himself to do was listen and watch. Camille never came, his heart aching with worry. Had she started to, but left? Did she see this pack as something she shouldn't be part of? Worry gnawed at the male, and he would shift off, more to the side, watching as a yearling through her fit, watching Arian try to defend her position. What in the name of Castiel had he gotten himself into? This was mad! The air around him was so thick with tension... was this how a pack meeting was supposed to be? It wasn't like he had any proper pack etiquette or anything but this...

Biull figured the best thing right now was to keep his mouth shut. He didn't have any outstanding skills to speak of, though he could hunt small game. His fighting prowess however, well, was pretty much non existent and his knowledge of herbs was certainly not there at all. He would let his gaze flick from Sage, who requested to leave, to the young girl. Something about how the alpha approached the male made him wonder if she might try to force claim the man... and as for the yearling... what would become of her? Time alone would tell.