
Retro (EBONY land claim/meeting)



8 Years
12-11-2014, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2014, 12:10 AM by Maximous.)

 The man had already been out and wondering around when Kassander had called him along with the rest of the pack to a meeting. Unusually though it wasn't to the steppe or even to the lake, but rather to the Rock Garden. A place Ebony had only ruled over while Raisa had been the queen and then the first few months under Katja's rule. A dark eyebrow would raise in wonder at what the boy had in mind. Were they trading lands again? Leaving the Stone Steppe to claim the Rock Garden once more?

  The only thing that came to mind next was what Callisto would have to say about Ebony's changes should she ever return. A smile came to his face as he could hear the young girl grumbling about Kassander being king and she would be pissed off that he had traded the steppe for the garden as her den had been in the steppe. On that last thought he made a mental note to go collect her things later. Should she come back she would probably want any and all of the herbs she had hidden down there. He could only hope she would be grateful that he had retrieved them rather than be mad at him for entering her personal space. He also couldn't help but wonder were she would stay should she return to find her den gone...then again it didn't take him long to figure it out either. The answer was simple, he would offer to let her stay with him.

 Suddenly his thoughts were disrupted by a thud and pain in his skull. His thoughts had been so tangled up in thoughts of helping Callisto in any way he could that he had run head first into a tree. Thankfully it had been on edge of the Rock Garden so no one had been around to see it. Max would wait a moment to see if any blood would run into his face, but when all he felt was throbbing he shook it of and trotted the rest of the way to Kassander.

 Silently he would bow to Kass and give a nod the other ebony wolf before taking a seat before their king. A yawn would try to escape but he would stifle it, he really needed to find a herb to help him sleep and would again take a mental note to do so as he waited for the others to arrive and for Kassander to tell them what was going on.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)