
Frozen Insights {Bera}


12-12-2014, 02:34 AM
Winter was a strange season, but one that the woman did not mind terribly. The snow, or little twinkleflakes as she called them, were falling about the nook, leaving the area coated in a blanket of white. The world was lit with the light of day, despite the steel gray skies that stretched on endlessly overhead. Snow was beautiful, even if it made things like hunting for prey and traveling harder. But it was a small challenge, truthfully. The rewards that would come with spring would prove that the wait, that the sleepy season of the world was worth it.

When spring came there would be new life everywhere. Leaves, grass, flowers, healing herbs, new prey, births... so much would begin to happen again. Pamela liked to look at winter as a season of rest for the world, to re-cooperate and give itself time to gather energy for the rest of the seasons. Sitting among the snow now the woman would give a casual flick of her tail every so often, her bi-colored eyes of red and blue trying to catch sight of anything that might move.

Things were peaceful. For a time her wanderlust had settled, though the woman knew it was only a matter of time before she got the urge to travel through the world again. Alacritia seemed to have a wonderful charm about it. She would smile, closing her eyes as the wind blew around her. The cold was refreshing in a way. Oh but only if there was someone to enjoy this with her! Shiki had been content to sleep, curled up in the den that was carefully hidden.

But what path was left for her? Where did she stand? Did she... truly belong as a pack wolf? Or was she meant to wander this world forever? Test her limits and every boundary? Did she go and did she dare to do such things? She would rise, throwing her head towards the sky and letting lose a carefree howl as the snow began to flurry a bit more fiercely.

Let the storm rage on.

She wasn't afraid of what the world had to throw her way.