
tomorrow's a day away [sol]



3 Years
12-12-2014, 04:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2014, 11:22 AM by Soliloquy.)
Though pleased with the invitation into the den Soliloquy hadn't anticipated his luck improving any further and yet now he would be given an even greater surprise as Isolde extended the opportunity for him to move closer. He did not need to be told twice, moving away from the entrance of the den to to join her and and he would settle beside her with practiced ease. Why on earth had it taken them so long to get back even to this stage? As much as he trying now to care for and please his russet beauty, to be completely honest he still failed to see quite where things had gone horrifically wrong. He may have been doing an ok job at redeeming himself though the man was still a clueless fool.

At his enquiry to her current state he would merely be met with a cleatly negative answer and now found himself with no idea what to say back. He hadn't impregnated her on purpose after all, did not want to be a father as much if not more than Isolde had feared the idea of being a mother. Where Othello had calmed Isolde slightly more now, Scorpion sadly had not achieved the same feat with Soliloquy.

Even without further words or any initiation on his behalf for further contact, Soliloquy would find Isolde leaning into him, whispering softly. It had been far too long since they had spent time together like this and he was glad they were heading back in the right direction once more. Softly he would nuzzle her, breathing in her scent though at the back of his mind still longing to rid her of Othello's smell. "Perhaps I can make you feel better." He offered quietly, those little affectionate touches continuing.