
Walking on Broken Glass

Cassius 1


3 Years
12-12-2014, 12:34 PM

He was beginning to realize this must indeed be Isolde. He remembered her facial marking, remembered the day she had been born. Vaguely, of course, but he remembered all the same. She confirmed her name, and her thought that he was her brother. Cassius nodded slowly, clenching his jaw out of habit rather than necessity.  “Y-yes,” he murmured, obediently answering her question and simultaneously confirming her suspicion. His sister was here, in the Range, and pregnant. Who was the father? Did she mean to get pregnant? He knew some wolves didn't mean to get pregnant but it happened anyway. Was that the case with her? He dared not ask, but instead softened his features ever so slightly. Surely his own sister wouldn't harm him. He remained quiet and still, with only the soft intake and exhalation of breath to confirm he were even still alive. He had never been extremely talkative, and that had only intensified since his isolation from everything he had once known. He spoke when spoken to, and usually that kept him from being harmed. Curiosity brimmed in his leaf green eyes, replacing just a bit of the fear that had been there. He was still mistrustful and uncertain, but he was at least no longer petrified. His tongue swiped nervously across his lips as he fidgeted in his position. So many questions brewed in his mind, but he dared not ask a single one. 
