
Price of Freedom (ode)


12-12-2014, 01:17 PM

She would roll her eye when Odette spoke of her husbands concerns. Unethical? What kind of bullshit is that? Annoyance flickered across her face. "There is no one left in the pack to consider moving unethical." She would scoff, her words sharp with agitation. "" She forced a smile onto her face, but she was dead serious. She was stand beside Odette in all her decisions. And if her ex-husband decided to return to dispute Odette's decisions...Well, they would cross that bridge if it came. The tension around her would ease at Odette's warm smile, her comment about wanting her and children comforting. But it was promise that Odette made that would ring out clear in her mind. If Crucifix ever returned, his ass was hers. "I will collect my children, and possibly my brother, Taurig, and we will follow you to the north. Though my kids aren't accustom to such cold." A small smile toyed with her lips, they would probably not be happy with the ruthless cold of the north, but they were young. Young enough that their bodies would acclimate, without being so young that the cold would kill them. Plus she had Taurig to help her.
"Burn Baby Burn"