
The Storm Clouds Come.


12-12-2014, 06:01 PM

There was something eerie about the call that echoed proudly through the forest. The ivory Queen lifted her head from outside her den where she laid, a puzzled expression written across her face. As she pulled herself to her feet, swollen belly in toe, she tried to place the voice. She walked with familiarity, not really paying attention to the land around her as she moved- she knew this forest better than most of the wolves who would reside here. She would not move in a hurry, her fat form didn't allow much rushing these days, and the energy it cost her to exert herself- she didn't think a call from the border, was worth  that. Never-the-less, she made her way to her bored, a slightly disdainful look on her face, at being the one who answered the call- where was her King, Heir and Lady? Couldn't they handle a border nuisance? 

As she emerged from the trees- nothing more than a swollen ghostly shadow, she started with a shock? Seeing only half the wolf before her- she almost mistook him for her father, from such a distance- almost. There was an eerie disruptive to the ethereal beauty of her father- to the boys face, darkness that bled into his albino features something that she noted,as she came closer, and realized that it was the spawn of Isardis and Sendoa that stood before her. It was irony that he had found his way home, so soon after his brother had also reappeared. As she approached, she shook off her earlier misconceptions. There was little other than the albinism and height that the boy shared with their sire. Was this pregnancy taking her sanity as well as her fit body?  For one- at first glance he didn't seem to command the regal air that Isardis had. Oh, but there were similarities.

Roman realized with a frown that she didn't know the boys name. She knew who he was yes- there was no denying the loins from which he had come from, but she didn't know his name. She would halt- aiming to place herself a mere five feet from the young wolf, her violet eyes brimming with curiosity, as her swollen body sank gracefully back onto her hindquarters. "The prodigal son returns." She comments simply. Kyarst had only recently returned, as well as Lysis. Neither had aligned themselves with Regium yet, but she remembered that Kyarst had asked of his brother. Lord- what was his name. 

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Greek Speak -- Roman Speak