
The Storm Clouds Come.


12-12-2014, 09:42 PM

She studies him, her expression the epitome of neutrality. She hasn't any fondness or kinship towards the oddity, she hardly knows him. Yet, he is an Armada, and alone allows her foul mood to slip away, so she can objectively consider him. He is young, much like his brother, the one that she has actually spoke with. It is the glorious blood alone, that flows through his veins, the untapped potential that she know their sire's genetics infuse she and her siblings with- that keeps her interest. He speaks- and she is again at a loss. He's been a phantom since birth, and one of the few siblings that she knew of, but hasn't spoke with. Searching the depths of her mind- she tries to think of any instance in which someone has uttered his name. The search is in vain. Clearly, she remembers personally meeting Kyarst, but she had failed in ever meeting this other brother of hers. So she speaks. "It seems rather interesting that I know you are my brother. I know your lineage as clearly as I know my own- but I do not even know your name." Her words are as casual as if she were discussing the weather, yet there is an air of curiosity to them. It bothers her that he knows her name- and she doesn't even know his. 

He speaks, and she listens, her violet eyes studying his hauntingly beautiful features. "There is always room in my empire for the bearers of the glorious blood that flows through our veins, for that blood holds such potential." She pauses. "Until they prove themselves unfit for such glory." Blood alone- earns his place here, perhaps it is a place offered with little question, though as of yet- she has no reason to distrust him. She will watch him carefully in the coming days. "Your brother asked about you." She comments, watching to see if there is any spark of sibling nature between them? Would the strange lad before her even care that Kyarst had wondered of him? 

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Greek Speak -- Roman Speak