
Unsteady Return



05-28-2013, 01:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The slim grey wolf's gold and purple eyes shifted swiftly to Ookami as the Warrior invited the stranger closer, a small trickle of anxiety rising with her. Why should she trust her? Hadn't trusting a stranger just proved itself to be a costly endeavor, leaving her with a nice gash upon her leg where the stranger's teeth had met their mark and his shaken head had torn into her tender flesh? Just as quickly as they shifted to Ookami, Ashtoreth's eyes moved back to the wolf who claimed to be a healer. Already she complied, lowering her stance respectively and coming slowly forward. She fought to urge to bristle uninviting, but she did need her leg tended to. She had to trust that the Warrior wouldn't have allowed her across their border if she had not the strength and will to ensure that they would still remain safe.

The healer introduced herself as Eris, and the injured wolf answered shortly with her own name, "Ashtoreth." Movement from her side brought her attention back to Ookami, who was already beginning to crouch and slink off across the territory in pursuit of something. For a brief second, Ashtoreth was entirely confused until she recalled the wolf admitting to feeling hungry and in need of a meal. No doubt the pups that lived within her called out for meals at the oddest times, now included. Admiring the darkly colored wolf's dedication to the new lives she and Thane had created, a little smile graced Ash's lips before she let her attention be captured once again by the healer wishing to tend to her wound.

With assurances that she would do what she could without causing further harm, Ashtoreth answered the healer's words with a quick nod of her head, seating herself upon the ground and from there moving to lay upon her unharmed side, her injured hind leg resting upon the good one with a majority of the injury exposed and ready for help. Her anxiety hadn't quite abated completely and she drew in slow breaths, willing herself to be a calm, collected patient. The other glanced around searchingly for what she would need and then asked her how it had come about, and again Ashtoreth felt a sting of embarrassment and regret. "I was wandering outside of Valhallan territory, beside a river. It was storming really bad, so I asked a stranger for help. He agreed, but instead of taking me to shelter he turned on me," she answered quietly, her gaze focused elsewhere at the ground with her ears partially tucked. It was not her proudest moment by any means. "I was probably lucky to just get away with this," she added, shifting her leg a little for emphasis and wincing as the movement tugged at the torn skin. The sooner the healer worked her magic, the better.