
talk to me honey, if you think it's funny


05-28-2013, 01:52 AM

Golden oculars studied him intently. Every slight twitch, every subtle flicker, every last movement of his behemoth frame was taken note of. Troubled, upset, distressed... perhaps all three? Tension rolled off of him in viral ways, she could damn near taste it upon the air. Her tail flickered behind her, coiling around one haunch before flickering to do the same to the next. It was a subconscious movement. Something she did when she was nervous. She was accustomed to wolves coming at her when they were this tense, usually to relieve pressure. A reciprocal for the pleasures of heartless souls. It made her tense, but she forced her limbs to lock in place, for her maw to grow unreadable. She trusted Gerhardt, she had given him her loyalty that day on the border and he had done nothing but prove that her decision had been made in good faith. She would trust him now, even if her instincts begged to differ. His response came quiet and calm, almost an apology. She wouldn't comment, she allowed him to sort his scattered thoughts.

Her eyes would narrow at his own self depreciation and an unreasonable amount of rage coiled within the confines of her chest. In the blink of an eye, she was on her pads, stopping mere inches away from his maw. She didn't touch him, she didn't show any signs of aggression, but she had certainly popped his bubble for personal space. Her head was craned up, he was taller than her but not horribly so. Golden eyes filled with fury and something not quite identifiable, her jaws fell open and the lyrics that fell from her tongue were cold and rough... soft, Elphaba did not yell, but they were harsh enough to demand attention. "You are a great many things Gerhardt, but a fool is not one of them. I know not what has caused such inner turmoil within your head, but do not let it mock the whole of Seracia, nor you. You made this patch of dirt and trees a home. You brought peace to the lives of all the wolves that live here, you hold their loyalty and their respect in your paw. You are amazing Gerhardt. Do not insult yourself or the rest of us by speaking any different." She would throw his own compliment right back at him and just as fast as her boldness had come, it vanished and she quickly recoiled backwards, eyes falling down and away. "I have over-stepped my stature. Forgive me."

She fell to silence as he followed her to her den, guilt coiling in the heart of her belly. Her tongue had been too harsh, her words to bold. He had not asked for her opinion and yet... it made her... furious that something had brought such doubts upon the only wolf who had ever seen her for something more than just a mistake. Gerhardt had earned and deserved to be treated like a king. She didn't care whom or what had emasculated him so, but she wanted to destroy it, to eradicate the problem. First, however, she needed to see him healthy, which meant not allowing disease to sink into his bones. They reached her den quickly and with a toss of her head, she beckoned him in, reconfirming her invitation, before she slipped inside.

Coiling her limbs beneath her, she landed with a soft huff upon the cool stones, golden orbs watching as he entered her living space. For a long moment she was unsure of what to say but with a soft expulsion of breath she steadied her nerves. "Your company is always welcomed here, you needn't ask." Much softer, much less intense, and almost apologetic, it was clear guilt was still gnawing at her from her previous display of raw honesty.
