
Roll Away Your Stone



7 Years
12-13-2014, 01:29 PM

She had been gazing at her mothers features, so she did not miss the slight stutter upon them as she mentioned the Armada's. Amalia's ears pulled as far forward as they could, her head tilting slightly to the left. Was there something about that family that her dearest mother didn't like? She wouldn't know, having been gone away from her family for so long. She did owe a lot to the Armada's, even more to Athena. She had taken her in when she was so sickly and weak, keeping her there until she was well enough to go off on her own to look for her family. But why would Pip not like them? Did they do something to her? Perhaps that is the reason why her ear was tattered beyond repair, basically not there at all. A sot sigh whistled out between her lips, a brow lifting as she tried to put her paw on the reason. It simply could not be done though, so she dropped it. She was withholding her own information after all...

"I see."

That was all that left her mothers lips, making the girl whine softly. Had she did something to hurt her mother? The pain was easy to see, and she wanted to reach forward and erase it from her. Amalia had no idea why her mother was so pained... Finally she did stretch forward, nuzzling her head under Pip's chin, placing a soft kiss on her chest. She didn't want there to be pain and sadness at this reunion, for there to be lost feelings and misplaced thoughts. Perhaps she should keep the fact that she was married to one tucked away... She didn't like hiding anything from this woman, but she was unsure of how she would take it after reacting to strongly to just their last name. It made her inwardly flinch, but maybe that information was better saved for another place and time.

When her mother said that she was okay, Amalia pulled back again. She had no reason to believe that she wasn't telling her anything, keeping facts away from her daughter just as she was to her. Blinking softly, she offered a small smile. As her mother eyed her tail, she looked back at it herself, thumping the little nub on the ground. Turning back her smile grew, while she did miss her tail she thought it was rather cute. "It's like a little bunny tail," she said with a laugh, wishing to take that pain away from her dame. But when her mother spoke next, all happy features drained from her face. There was hostility in her voice, anger. "They treat me very well mother," came her soft voice, her own blue eyes brimming with unshod tears. "What did they do to you? They are good wolves Mom, they really are," she said. Although she was quite stunned with the fact that they fell in love with their own siblings, she shook it off. There was nothing wrong with that, love was love. "I wouldn't remain there if they weren't fair to me. I have taken up studying herbs, and I care for the little ones," a smile grew on her face, thinking of her lovers own little pups. She loved them as her own, even more fiercely after their father vanished. But she said nothing else about it, studying her mothers face as she waited for her answer. They did nothing harmful that she had seen, but must have wronged Epiphron to make her react like this.