
Azarak Son Up For Grabs - Again!


12-14-2014, 03:43 AM
OOC Name: Roamer

Character Name: Raziel 
Any Illnesses, Mental or Otherwise?: None. 
Allegiance: Lawful Good

As a pup, he's nothing more than a ball of fluff. His individuality is found in his uniquely marked coat, that is akin to his mother's design. He isn't a carbon copy of her, rather- the color that paints his face is a dark ebony color. He has his mothers reddish brown points on his face- just above his eyes, and towards the bridge of his nose, and just a the sides of his muzzle, next to some white, and he will have a white marking that moves almost in a very narrow triangle up his muzzle. As he grows, his fur will slicken out, always remaining thick, but it loses its fluffy texture, making the boy appear more like an adult, rather than a walking funny colored cloud. 

As he matures into adult-hood, he will grow to stand about 33 inches in height, only an inch shorter than his father, and will weigh about 100 pounds, getting up to 105 as he gains muscle from training. Since he is not quite yet a yearling, he will have no scars to mar his handsome features yet. His body will be well-scuplted and muscular as he begins to train and find his strengths in the world, though his facial structure will always be angular and fine-boned. 

His eyes are a stunning and vivid green, a color he takes from his father, though the hues of his green eyes are slightly darker than Sarak's. 


While he had the makings of a very cheerful and thoughtful pup, events in this young lads life have led him slightly into a more conflicted path. His mother disappeared at the early points of his life and he was alone and afraid with only his siblings to rely on- and he had to be strong for them. Then this strange wolf showed up, and whisked them away- a wolf who claims to be his Dad, though sometimes Raziel is unconvinced. Where he once went out of his way to talk to other wolves, he's quite a bit more reserved now. This will wear off in time as he finds his trust in the world again. Over all, the lad is a lawful good alignment. He's a protector to those who can't protect themselves and generally friendly. As a youngster, he enjoys hearing stories and tales told by his family members and playing with other young wolves that he can find. 

He is extremely protective of his siblings, perhaps because he was abandoned with just them. As he grows older he can sometimes act without thinking - a trait similar to his mothers but he's good at heart. Raziel wants to do what is best for the world he lives in, even though he often finds himself in trouble because of his brash actions. He's quick to speak without thinking, and brutally honest. He isn't blindly loyal, but he's faithful in his commitments. This means that if he's part of a family or a pack- he isn't going to leave them over an argument, but he won't do something he finds wrong. Raziel almost fancies himself sort of a hero, the protector of those who cannot protect themselves. The thoughtfulness that he outwardly displayed as a child hasn't went anywhere, he thinks, though he lacks the careful dignity he had as a child. 

(I will expand on this as he grows, should I be chosen as tribute.) 

Roleplay Sample: 

He loved to explore, and see the various lands he could not even fathom into existence, and perhaps that divine curiosity was what had led him into this current predicament. He had been exploring the sheer cliffs of a nearby ravine, and had fell into a rather sticky mud puddle. As if that hadn't been humiliating enough, and oddly fun- he'd also managed to "accidentally" get himself covered in feathers, from a magpie he'd happened to catch and kill. So basically, he traveled looking for the next source of water like a funny looking bird-wolf hybrid. Gods, if his siblings saw him now they'd never let him live it down. He'd grumbled as he walked, trying to sniff out a water source when he'd finally caught the scent of a stream. He'd been overjoyed to get to it, diving headfirst into the icy waters, without considering the winter temperatures around him. 

Raziel let out a startled yelp. Things just were not going his way today! What had he been told by his family? Think before you leap. Oh yeah, he sucked at that. He rolled around in the water, shaking the mud and feathers loose from his coat before emerging. His teeth chattered together, and he shook himself, dispelling the water droplets into the air and onto the unsuspecting earth around him. He blinked a few times, as he looked around himself his green eyes wide, and then he jumped forward- bursting into a run back towards the willows where his family were. Hopefully by the time he made it here, he'd be dry and he wouldn't have to explain the rather awkward situation he'd found himself in, and hopefully no one had saw. 

(This sample wrote itself. Don't judge me. I just picture him awkwardly getting into a situation because he didn't think before acting xD) 

What Are Your Plans?: I don't have any direct plans yet. I would like to see him get to know his family in depth, and perhaps find his mother one day if she returns to Alacritis. Maybe join a pack when he's older- or join Surreal's when she has hers c: