
The Hunt is On



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-28-2013, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2013, 12:56 PM by Epiphron.)

Tail wagged behind her, unabashed joy spreading over her features. She was rarely so carefree in front of others in the pack; her father had taught her the importance of appearances, especially in front of those who were beneath you. It was important to maintain stability in the ones you ruled. But things were different around family members. Business and kin were two entirely separate matters. As Epiphron drew close to Azalea, her crown would slip effortlessly from her skull, her entire being transformation instantaneously to something much more carefree and relaxed.

She, too, was growing up quickly. It seemed like yesterday that she had been a mere child, watching Azalea herself be born. And now she was rapidly approaching the two year anniversary of her birth, and the impending wedding that would happen soon, between Chrysanthe and Maverick. "Just like Syrinx," she noted with a grin. Her brother had been scarce as of late, seemingly drawn to Eos since she had returned, but how massive he was! Nearly as big as their father now, while she maintained her smaller stature.

Quickly the small talk dwindled down, and the two focused on the task at hand. Hunting. Right. "I have yet to find any scents either," she added quickly, nose wrinkling slightly. Perhaps it was not the best day to hunt. Ah well, the better for small talk. "You can lead the way, Azalea, and I shall follow." It wouldn't be a big deal if their hunt proved to be a flop; but either was, she was curious as to her niece's skills at tracking and hunting. She was growing older, after all, and Epiphron was truly curious as to what she would train towards -- healing? hunting? Fighting?