
❉ daggers and pearls.



5 Years
12-14-2014, 04:21 PM

She listened to the creaking ship as it moaned in the evening light, last of it to be exact, peering through the cracks and missing sections of the vessels old skeleton.  Yet another sigh would escape her exhausted lungs as she looked around herself for one more moment.  Lavender optics taking in the decrepit structure as it moaned and snapped against the wind.  Flawed for sure, but good a place as any to wait out the storm outside, not to mention, she'd rather be here than curled up in a snow bank.

Ivory figure, slender and shivering with the cold was slowly warming itself, though the aching in her bones and muscles would take a while to reach a comfortable temperature.  She pushed herself forward, the frosted floor boards of the hull of the ship creaking under her light steps.  Paw prints behind the path she was creating would lie perfectly shaped in the frozen wood, melted to the exact outline of her small feet.  A thump echoed in the doe's mind and she felt her body tense for a moment in a startle.  Bracing herself she jumped slightly at the sound filling the decrepit skeleton's hull.  She was not alone... Perhaps she should find out who else sought this structure as she did.  Her steps became half silent as she moved as best as possible, still shaking once in a while from the frigid dampness of her snow soaked body, lavender gaze wide and alert as she searched room through room of crashed, clattered pieces of wood and doors serving as obstacles about her as she quietly moved like a shadow in the light, awaiting another sign.

"Speech" Thoughts