
♠ when will we learn to control [OPEN]



7 Years
12-14-2014, 07:33 PM

With eager anticipation the brute starred longingly at the prey prior to his ability to scatter it's mind into a million direction, and send in suddenly fleeing into the jaws of another. Momentary surprise and confusion overwhelmed the obsidian male, his wide, awkward stance remained so as he watched the flash of ivory come in and then leave his life just as quickly as the hard had fled.

The flash of a potential foe left the massive brute in a state of stuttering puzzlement. His ads swiveled in every direction in an attempt to locate the wolf's direction, or at least... He assumed the assailant was another like himself, though vastly more stupid. With an angry curl of his heavy ebony lips the male let his muzzle wrinkle, and the saliva that oozed hungry from his lips was layered over the bull ring within his nose, allowing the liquid to drip from the golden trinket, reflecting the level of anger that was quickly rising within the brute's chest. His hackles arose from his thick, scarred withers and back, and with what seemed like great ease he chased abruptly after the assailant who had disappeared due East. Quickly he managed to track her path and within what seemed like moments, the red-eyed beast snarled and skid to a stop mere feet before the thief. Golden optics piercing through the ivory doe, and like thunder rolling above a snarl ensued from his curled jaws. Snow now coating them both. Calming himself enough to speak the male's deep voice that appeared to roll up from hell itself poured out from his throat, velvet smooth but as deep as the lowest part of the ocean, "You chose the wrong meal to take, thief." Though somewhat calm to the ear, the beast was anything but.

"Speech" Thoughts