
Journey's fruition

Motif I


4 Years
12-14-2014, 09:33 PM

She was missing Bass and Rhythm with a steady ache in her chest by the time she reached the lands she sought. The journey here had added an extra week upon it because of the slow pace she had been forced to set. She had carried her little burden a great deal of the way but more often then not her little sprite had insisted on walking until her feet where saw. Motif showed her the sights of the world along their way. She had shown her mountains and streams and flowing waterfalls. The journey had solidified a mothers love for her tiny daughter, and saw the world with fresh eyes as her little one trembled with amazment and delight. It was clear from the start that the adventure was a wonder past imagining for her baby and her heart and grown and grown each step of the way.

Now her heart was clentched and her stomach rolled. She felt sick with worry and antipication. She had no idea how Shai was going to take this, what he would do. A thought she had never had before plagued her now and she knew that if Shai hurt their child Motif would rip him limb from limb – never interfere with a mothers love for her child, never threaten her baby. She carried Shaye across the land-bride and brought her safetly to the other side. She ushered her to a tree and blocked her from view with her own body before howling for the stranger who was her father, through she wondered if he would even come...

Walk "Talk" Think