
Offer me that deathless death [Maija! Joining maybe?]



12-14-2014, 10:49 PM

Maija Artenie was doing what the Beta was supposed to do: guard the borders. After Ecaterina had become used to seeing her grown half-sisters most of the time, that was where she wanted to go almost every day. Quite frankly, that left Maija bored and instead of sitting in the confines of her den to mope about past lovers, she decided to become more of an example for her daughter to live by. She scouted through the Moor that day, enjoying the warmth the bleak sun gave through all of the wintery cold. Damn, she hated winter, even if she had a good reason to love it. Winter signified her first litters' birth and therefore, changed her life for the good.

For some reason, she continued to think about all six of her children as she walked across the familiar landscape. Golden paws quickly became dirty with the icy and murky waters, swampy scents taking over her majestic coat. Ears remained flattened as she briskly jogged, leaf-green eyes looking for any signs of intruders. The thirst for blood was heavy with her lately and she needed to kill something aside from prey to get the rush out of her system. God, where was Cataleya when she needed her?!

As she continued to walk through the dirtiest parts of the Moor, a howl reached the Beta's ears. The sound of it was so familiar...and for a second, she couldn't place the face with the call. She slowed and then immediately changed directions, knowing that the source was not too far from where she was. A low growl slipped through clenched teeth as she let the scent reach her nose, the familiar sting of it making her claws flex with each step. A male...that smelled too much like her ex-husband. Why did all of the men these days smell like him?!

She was close to being full-fledged defensive when she burst from the forest line. Her eyes flashed coldly, ears flattened against her skull and hackles raised in all directions. She looked like a pin cushion with an ugly face, slowly creeping towards the male with each step perfectly in place. Only when she saw the male's physical features did she realize who he was. Scent and physical looks combined hit her like a brick wall and she slowly stepped out of her crouched stance. The growling ceased and her ears began to perk, but her eyes remained cool for the longest time. He looked nothing like Taurig, but instead had her coat of radiant, golden streams. Had it really been that long since she had seen her largest baby in the world?

Maija met his gaze and the snarling face smoothed out into the bitchy features she was known for. "My boy..." she said, Romanian accent in full swing for the words that came from her mouth. "Where have you BEEN?!" She growled, voice high in slight exasperation. Of course, she had raised her children to be independent! Just...not to completely fall off the face of the planet. She closed the distance between them and gave him a cool, but tender nuzzle to the left side of his neck. "I have missed you, Niketas." She loved his name and didn't intend to use a nickname.
