
Blank Space [Revenge]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
12-15-2014, 02:05 AM

Esti nodded at Revenge's excuse, believing it well enough to let it pass. As her eyes grazed over the brute, she would catch his eyes doing the same, bringing a smirk to her face. She adored attention a little too much for her own good, but she didn't feel like denying herself the pleasure she got from the male's looks or his words when he told her he wasn't too busy for her. He asked how to keep her backside warm and Esti's thoughts immediately jumped to the less polite side of things. If she were another girl the same age, perhaps she would be blushing furiously through her white fur. He couldn't mean... that... could he? They did just meet, and Esti wasn't one to judge or even turn down an offer for such things. She craved attention in any way she could get it, and she had gotten it before, but she still wasn't completely sure that was what this brute was hinting out. As he stepped closer, Esti reached out her neck, her voice bridging the gap just loud enough for Revenge to hear, "Well, you see, I know of two ways to warm my butt. One's a little less... appropriate, but we'll have to see." she rumbled, her eyes gleaming slightly and her breath catching just a bit. She would judge the male's reaction and then decide if he wanted her just for company or other things.

"But first..." Esti stood, licking her lips. She moved towards the brute slowly, her tail swaying close behind her "Stop me from leaving. Give me a reason, a date plan maybe?" She smiled with her sweet expression again, her eyes looking down to the brute's lips, almost daring him to kiss her in a heat-of-the-moment decision. If he offered her an activity, she'd take that too, of course, she just wanted to see what this Revenge was made of, what he wanted. For some reason, the girl's hear was beating fast. She was playing a type of game using herself as bait. Esti would roll with whatever he chose, though, because, hey, she was in a great mood, after all.