



2 Years
12-15-2014, 07:23 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2014, 08:43 PM by Arivae.)

NAME Harmony Destruction
APPEARANCE She is staying the same!
PERSONALITY In general, Harmony is a very sweet young girl. She is very careful about what she says and what she is doing, and doesn't breathe down the necks of others without a good reason. And, being a healer, she is naturally very gentle and understanding. This making her very easy to speak to and approach. Although, chances are she wouldn't have the courage to ever get stirred up from misbehavior. She may be pouting and screaming on the inside, but on the outside her body refuses to do anything. Ultimately she remains too gentle and fragile to ever try and take charge of things such as fights or arguments. This leaves her on a bit of a sensitive and almost shy side. But, otherwise, she is extremely sweet and willing to help anyone who is in need of her assistance.
PLANS As far as I know, Harmony is gone or on a trip or something. Away from Abaven? I plan to bring her back so that she can reunite with her siblings and such. Then do healer stuff, etc. I'll think of something!
"Walking in a winter wonderland," She sung softly, her multicolored eyes beaming as she skipped through the chilly white snow. Her small paws kicked up little portions of the wintery powder, while she hum and sing to herself casually. Still on her little 'vacation' away from home, she was busy sniffing around for herbs and other little items that she could bring back with her. It had been a long time now, since she's seen Bass, Motif, Rhythm, and Chord. The dame did indeed wonder how they were all doing. Not just her siblings, though. The pack altogether. Were they coping, especially after the violent storms? How about through this snowy weather? The questions that flickered through her mind could go on forever. She missed them all, and wanted to see them again. But first...she wanted to put some use into her little trip. Even through the snow, finding little scraps of useful herbs was possible, right?