
Blank Space [Revenge]



3 Years
Extra large
12-15-2014, 04:13 PM
Revenge was still quite a bit too young to really be thinking about any kind of intimacy, though it seemed his father's mouth had transferred easily to the young Destruction. Even if he had no idea what he was actually saying. He'd feel a bit of an excitement stir within him as she drew more near, he'd get caught up in her scent and almost missed her words entirely. He couldn't help as he leaned in just a little bit closer, she'd easily capture his attention with her liquid words. He'd watch her, mind buzzing as she mentioned an inappropriate option. She'd caught him though, he felt himself becoming ensnared by her and found that he wouldn't have any problem with whatever option she preferred. "What ever you want," His voice had not quit reached it's final depth, but would still be uttered with a defined masculinity.

His trance would be partially broken as she iterrupted, she had something else before any decisions would be made. He would have to convince her to stay... a date perhaps? He'd try to hide his surprise, having no idea she was talking about sex earlier, to the date. If all he had to do was take her on a date to get her to stay, he was perfectly content with those stipulations. "Uhm, uh," I take that back about eloquence from his father, "Esti, will you go on a date with me?" Those lips, his eyes would find her bright blue ones before catching the movement of her salmon tongue.

He wouldn't realize his jaw had fallen as he watched her, captivated. Revenge would find that the unspoken dare was too much to resist, his form would mirror her, standing as tall as he could before leaning forward to touch his nose to hers.