
The Hunt is On



6 Years
05-28-2013, 06:45 PM

Epiphron was taking on a life never seen by Azalea before. It was entirely different from the alpha she had become. This Epiphron was much more childlike and carefree. The puppy realized that it was her own mistake to think that her aunt was purely one sided. There were many dimensions to all creatures, wolf or not.

The easy going nature that had overcome the young alpha snagged at Azalea's resolve, bidding her to relax as well. Slowly her attention to the task at hand was slipping, ears and eyes flicking to the area before them and back to Epiphron with much frequency. Her tail began a slow and wide sway.

"Just like Syrinx," the female said with a grin and Azalea grinned back. Syrinx had honestly always sort of frightened her. He truly was massive. It was hard to say if her brothers would get so large. It wasn't the height of her uncle that made her weary but the look in his eyes and the grotesque bone that protruded from his face. Regardless he was family in an odd way it was suiting that Syrinx should be the scary uncle. Truly unrelated, Azalea learned early that blood does not always make family.

Both became more serious, focusing again on the hunt rather than joking about their brothers. "I have yet to find any scents either," Epiphron stated and Azalea nodded thoughtfully. So that was what had kept her. She had been looking for trail too. Azalea's thoughts mirrored the two-year-old's as she gazed up at the sky and took into account the angle of the wind.

"You can lead the way, Azalea, and I shall follow." Azalea nodded wordlessly. Her face was one that easily gave away her emotions. It wasn't something that bothered her and surely most found that more attractive about her. To date she really had nothing to hide from anyone but if needed she was fairly sure she could be a decent liar.

Azalea cleared her miscellaneous thoughts and moved off into the dying grass. It was an ugly yellow green. For a moment it looked like Azalea was heading in a random direction, not stopping to scent the ground and air, but then she merged onto a thin game trail. There was no fresh scent on it, no matter how deeply she inhaled, no matter how close she pressed her nose to the ground... nothing. It was a fairly active trail though so she set off down it without stop, hoping that something worth while had at least crossed over it.

They traveled in silence for a few minutes, maybe more. Azalea was lost in thought wondering if she actually liked hunting or if she simply endured it. What if she was told she had to hunt for others for the rest of her life? "What did you want to do with your life? Did you want to become an alpha?" She didn't look back, only her right ear tipped toward Epiphron behind her. They had to stay single file to move quietly down the path.
