
i am a wrecking ball -


05-28-2013, 07:42 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

This was a bad day.

For some reason, Seraphim had woken up in a darker mood. From time to time this would happen, but he mostly blamed his recent experience for this. It was but a few days ago that he had joined in the sinister plot of a cunning ex-queen, impregnating her and doing his part to help her seek revenge for her dethroning. The experience had ignited the devil inside him, just as he was starting to bury it again.

It wasn't the first time of course. Throughout his life events had sporadically brought out this hidden part of him, turning him into a heartless beast for weeks at a time. It was in these times that he looked forward to running into other wolves, so that he could torment them mentally or physically, depending on the situation. Within his consciousness he recognized that most of what he did in these phases was wrong, and he wasn't particularly proud of it, but he seemed to have little control. Performing truly evil acts when the darker Seraph took over made him feel happy.

This weather put a damper on everything though. He didn't mind storms - which was evident from his recent encounter with Morphine - but this was more like a hurricane. Leaves were swirling miniature tornadoes, stinging his body as he made his way toward a dark cavern seeking shelter. Twenty feet seemed like a mile as his body strained against the wind and sheets of rain. He dug his claws into the ground for added support with each step he took.

The cave seemed like heaven when he reached it, warm and dry compared to the gale he had traveled through. He shook vigorously, freeing his pelt from the weight of the water, and settled down in the mouth of the cavern, watching the storm from the safety of his shelter. Finding someone to torment would have to wait until later.

ooc;; Sorry this kinda stinks, I started falling asleep >.<

Tagged: Xhen | Word Count: 325