

Rune I


5 Years
12-16-2014, 06:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think 
Contact was felt between his shoulder and the intruder's chest as his initial attack hits its mark, but there was no sense of accomplishment in the feat. Only a short foot of distance separated them and, combined with her mass being a near match for his own, there was no give on her end. She held firm against his shove and as his jaws reached for her upper right foreleg her shoulder moved to intercede. Rune had been so sure of his bite that there was no hesitation in his motion, no caution to his speedy reach, but he was not fast enough to evade her counter attack wholly. The majority of his teeth were missed by the drop of her right shoulder, but the right side of his jaw was struck almost directly, the moderate jarring sensation rattling his molars and causing an ache nearly instantly. 

His narrowed eyes watered as he clenched them shut, ears pinned and skin still drawn loosely about his eyes with his upper lip pulled back, but even through the blur before his eyes closed he could see her reaching toward him, her jaws seeking the right side of his face. Balancing his weight between his four paws, lowering his center of gravity as he bent his legs slightly, his head attempted to drop low away from her lowered shoulder with his own shoulders rolled protectively forward and his chin curved to protect his throat, the bite to her right upper foreleg abandoned, and instead he quickly attempted to lift his head with raised hackles to meet and butt into her parted jaws. In one motion, he tried to turn his face toward his left and bring it toward a downward angle, hoping to move the bony curvature of his skull into the woman's bite instead, and lift his head upward quickly to smack into her jaws hard enough to jar them and possibly disorient her with the force of it regardless of the impact it would have on himself. 

Unsatisfied with merely that, as he lifted his head upward he lifted his left foreleg in the same motion, balancing his weight between the other three legs while gripping at the ground with his toes and claws to assure his footing. Assuming her right leg would still be in relatively the same place as he had last seen it planted, he let his muscles tense and brace defensively, tail flagged out behind him for added balance, and attempted to strike out with his lifted left foreleg, hoping to catch the middle of her leg at the joint to strain it or compromise her balance. She appeared to have a similar idea as he felt her own paw come down upon his right, not quite centered but catching his two rightmost toes on that foot. Pain flared, a partial confirmation of her attack. Without testing to know for sure, he was semi-confident at least the outward one was fractured as had been her intent, though the one inwardly beside it may only have been moderately jarred. 

For Right to Drag Artemis off Secretua Territory