She could see it in his eyes, in his manner, in every pore of his being. He could no more harm this perfect little child then could she, she who had built up months of preparation to hate the little monsters inside of her who had realized that truly it could be nothing less then love at first site that she held for her little Shaye. Her tension fell away, and she watched in wonder as that same love struck Shai, as he became powerless to all that she was. Shai would say their child's name and Motif would move forward, the closest she had gone yet to the giant who had changed her life.
Moving with a motherly gentleness she scooped up the child and gently pulled her away from Shai, and into her arms, ignoring Shay'es soft protest as her nose was pulled away from her fathers. Then, just as gently, she pushed Shaye back to her father, then repeated the process one more time. She looked closely into Shai's face, imprinting the seriousness of the moment with her eyes as she watched him, waiting to see if he would understand her meaning. “Motif, love Shaye, Shai, love Shaye” she said softly, hoping the pattern of the names would also add to the meaning, but feeling somewhat silly with the simple way she said it. She smiled then, leaning down and gently licking Shaye across the forehead, the pup squirmed and pranced happily back to Shai, rubbing her head gently against his leg, as the parents watched on in wonder.