
If your not really here [Aiko/Ixionn?]


12-17-2014, 06:09 PM
Aiko would watch him, waiting for the lies to spew from his mouth. Waiting for him to give her the same bullshit as the others and try to pretend that he was her friend. He wasn’t. But when he spoke it wasn’t what she was expecting at all. It caught the spoiled girl off-guard, blinking with wide eyes. He wasn’t claiming that they would undoubtedly stay. He wasn’t trying to force her to believe that they wouldn’t get abandoned. He was... Giving her the truth... From the best point of view he had.

The girl would listen, ears perked towards him. His later words clashed with her heart, with her beliefs... Was that the only reason? Did the others only leave because they were selfish? Her gaze would lower to the ground, flicking to Allen. To his... mate. The girl felt that sting of jealousy rise in her heart again. That had surely been selfish. The wolves here had been family... Yet her uncle left... Her step father left them... And for what? She wanted to believe Migi... That if it were him in the place of her step father, watching over them, he would stay no matter what. The only thing that would convince her surely now was living proof... And nothing beyond that.

The girl was further surprised, however, to find that Migi was also on their side, saying that they had a right to be angry. To be hurt. Her gaze would return to the male. He seemed to see right through her as well, to see that she wanted to cling to Ixxion, the last bit of hope she still had here. Perhaps he understood some things then... Maybe... Maybe things would be okay. Oh how the young girl wanted to believe that they would. How she wanted this pack to be a family. But she was so scared that history would repeat itself... Scared that something might happen to her brother. Aiko would take a small breath, giving a nod.

“Your words are fair, Migi. You’re not trying to coat them in lies... For that... I feel you at least deserve the chance to gain my trust...” Her gaze would shift to the floor.“I’ll come to the hunt tomorrow but...” The girl would hesitate, glancing back to the male. “I don’t have much knowledge in hunting big game...” Her lack of training was probably sorely obvious, but she would learn...