
♠ when will we learn to control [OPEN]



7 Years
12-17-2014, 06:52 PM

With a malicious stance the beast of a brute starred at the tall ivory doe with such intensity. Honestly, the reasons behind the beast's reaction to this situation were vaguely unknown, he wasn't one to react this way and appeared to have difficulty calming himself back to a normal level. Using his staggering breaths the brute seemed to slowly ease down just as the doe was doing, though hardly gaining any sort of amusement from it. He was a mature individual, capable of proper control but as of late his ability to do so was lacking, and to his understandings he had no idea why.

With a heavy sigh the brute allowed one final, low growl to curl from his throat, words soon to follow as he licked his saliva ridden jaws dry. Mucus and drippings pulled away from his lips and obsidian nostrils. The golden ring suddenly shinier than before, flexing within his nose. Unaware of the doe's reaction to him he merely corrected his beastly posture to something a bit more un-hostile. A small snicker flying across his visage, "You think this funny?" He poured his thunderous vocals towards her, dripping with testosterone ridden syllables. Peeling his golden gaze over the doe for a moment he found her buttons, wanting to begin pushing them immediately though he knew better than to get mixed up with a vixen such as this. To him she was just an immature and naive young pup, though perhaps he was only an old fart in her eyes, at least that's what he thought. "Hm... You speak highly of yourself, THIEF." He accentuated the term against her, sort of hissing as his heavy, strong figure sunk forward towards the hare she had finally dropped.

"Speech" Thoughts