
What you got



5 Years
12-18-2014, 01:45 AM
He stared at the girl, red rimmed green eyes shining with a curiousity as he tilted his head. She almost seemed to accept his apology so lightly and without a word. He was fine with that, though Vitus was a much better listener than speaker...especially since he didn't speak at all. It was a subconcious decision. He knew he could speak, he could make sounds, he just decided not too. A boy of the shadows, he strived in silence where his mind could think clearly. Words got in the way, but a lack of them seemed to cause trouble as well. He merely stared at the girl before a small smile spread across the deep blue of his fur. Dual toned eyes seemed to shine in happiness as she slipped onto her belly and pawed at him, enough that he stepped back just slightly and nodded his head. He didn't know the exact nature of the question, but he could tell her concern towards him, and his nod was as much as he knew to do to tell her that he was fine, safe, whatever her question was.

With a slow movement he moved onto his belly aswell and stared at her, tilting his head and swivelling his ears forward. It was nice, he decided, to be in her company. She seemed to care about him, for his well being after he so rudely bumped into her. It almost hurt, in a bittersweet way, that this stranger made him feel more at ease than he den did currently. With a distracted mother, and siblings that seemed distant. (Vitus could easily be overthinking, though, which was a downfall to his silence). With a gentle sigh he settled his head on his paws and watched her, tilting his head just slightly in a question before glancing around, wondering why a young girl like her was alone out here in the snow. He was a lot younger, and alone aswell, but he was only a territory or two away from his it was okay. He assumed, at least.

"Burn Baby Burn"

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[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]