
The Hunt is On



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-29-2013, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2013, 12:56 PM by Epiphron.)

The two were content to fall into comfortable silence. The only family member that Epiphron could say she knew even less than Azalea was Gael. She made a mental note to seek him out soon, and spend time with the boy, lest he grow up thinking of Epiphron as an Alpha, rather than as family, as his aunt.

Blue eyes followed Azalea as she gazed upward, searching for the direction of the wind. Smart girl. Soon winter would be setting in, and hunting parties would need to grow more careful and frequent, to make up for the potential lack of food during the colder months. Even the most skilled hunter couldn't find food if there was none to be found.

She began after her niece, examining the trail she chose to follow. No fresh scents of game lingered here, but she would put her trust in the girl and follow suit. Even if there was nothing to be found, at the very least they got a chance to talk, something they had never really done by themselves. Silent still reigned as she took after her, nose low to the ground, constantly searching for the scent of game.

But out of the blue, her niece spoke up, asking if she had wanted to become an Alpha. She answered honestly, smiling slightly as she raised her head to gaze at Azalea. "Honestly, I've always wanted to be an Alpha," she said simply. She had expected more competition among her siblings for the position, had almost expected for a rivalry to blossom, but her path had come much more simply. Still she wondered, had Chrysanthe not been given to Seracia for the alliance, if her sister would've ever challenged her for the position. "I could dream of no greater honor than serving Valhalla like this." A pause followed. She increased her pace, to walk alongside Azalea. "What about you, Azalea? What do you wish for in your future?"