
Without you there



5 Years
12-19-2014, 08:34 AM
i heard the church bells from afar

Novella's routine as of late was getting more and more painful, each visit to her parents only upsetting her more to find that there was little change to their health, certainly no shift for the better anyway. Still she hadn't quite realised just how bad things had been, had no idea that she would be losing them and so that morning she had ventured to the entrance for a visit just as always.

They were lying there snuggled up together so peacefully that she honestly believed for a few precious moments that they were only sleeping. Somehow however the sickening realisation that this was not the case had sunk in. Disbelief and sadness had hit her all at once in a devastating mess of emotions, they couldn't be gone. What on earth was she to do now?

Frith. Her husband would be her first point of call. Though she knew he had been on the road to recovery and was doing much better she still needed to see him now. Perhaps for her own selfish needs, not knowing who else to turn to. He had lost his own mother shortly before they first met, though even so it wasn't such thoughts registering in her mind, more a desperate cry for help. This couldn't be happening.

"Frith..." The emotions had only welled up even more as she travelled, her voice was breaking now behind the lump in her throat and the tears were flowing. She couldn't say anything else though, couldn't bare to speak the words out loud. She would simply rush to his side seeking his comfort the hope that all of this would somehow go away. It couldn't be reality.

we found each other in the dark