
Bellona Armada


12-19-2014, 07:43 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Roamer

Age: 21

Character's Name: Bellona Aurum Armada 

Character Age: -not born yet; pup (due the 29th of Dec) 

Season of Birth: winter

Adult Height: 38 inches 

Appearance Description:

Her appearance is a fine mix between her two parents. The majority of her body is white, quite like her mothers. When it comes to her front legs, however, they are dipped in tan, all the way up to her knees. Her back legs are dipped in a dark gray base that comes all the way up to her hocks. She has brown dots on her face that loosely resemble diamonds- though they lack the definite shape of them. They’re rounder, and far softer as they blend into her fur. Her left ear is gray, and the tip of her right ear is tan.

Her fur is thick and downy as a child, but it will grow to be smooth and silky as she ages. She will grow to a larger height than her parents, taking some of her grandfather’s genetics and will exceed even him by an inch. She’ll stand at a solid 38 inches high, and will weigh about 175 lbs.

Her mother will pass on her tribal markings to her daughter, when she’s young and will die her hair. These markings will be in the shape of V’s below and above her right eye, and will be a dark violet color.

Her eyes will be an oddity. They will be a mixing of both her mother’s violet hues and her father’s emerald hues, in each eye.

Proof of Purchases:

extra height & small accessory (tribal markings): here