
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



9 Years
Athena I
12-19-2014, 08:47 PM

Leo's ears flicked back when the woman lifted her head to look at him, his concern tripling when he saw the tears in her eyes. As she sat up onto her haunches he slowly moved closer to her before settling onto his own haunches in front of her. She began to speak and he would sit quietly and listen. He knew all too well that sometimes what someone that was upset really needed was just someone to spill their worries to. Since he seemed to be the only one around he would happily be that someone for her. He wondered to himself if he really looked that trust worthy. This wouldn't be the first time that a stranger told him their problems after all. He really didn't mind, it just made him wonder.

She spoke of birthplaces, broken families, and feeling lost, all things that he was all too familiar with. His heart went out to her and he wished he had some great words of wisdom for her, but really he was still figuring it all out himself. "Sometimes families just aren't meant to live side by side... It's hard, but maybe it's for the best. My parents ruled a pack and once they decided to leave it me and my siblings left as well. We haven't really seen much of each other since then... But like you said, I still love them. When we do see each other it's great. Sometimes if you have a lot of family it's just impossible for all of you to stay in one place. Everyone has different desires and wishes." 

He reached out to place one of his forepaws on top of hers, hoping that the movement would be seen as comforting. "I don't know if that helps or if its what you wanted to hear, but it's something I had to learn to accept not too long ago and maybe it's something you need to think about too. It's okay to love and miss your family. It just means you'll be even happier to see them when you do."

"Talk" "You" Think