



4 Years
12-19-2014, 10:56 PM

Using her peripheral vision, Warja catches the advancement of both Akemi and the second intruder. For a split second her mind stalls as she weighs her options, but in the end, she decides to put her faith in Akemi, the wolf who wishes to be Secretua's Sentinel. Instead of dissuading her from her chosen path, the approach of the wannabe villain only pushes her faster. Intent on reaching her target, the young medic continues with her original attack against Artemis. (Possible damage pending to Warja's right shoulder should her (Warja's) attack land.)

The second intruder is fast, but not fast enough. Fiamette's attacks land a split second too late to alter Warja's assault against Artemis. Unperturbed by the coming assailant and aided by countless hours of training, Warja outpaces Fiamette and because of this (and possibly her position under Art should her attempt to run under her be successful, which would put Warja's neck out of Fia's reach), the red gremlin's attacks don't hit their intended targets. Instead, Fiamette's shoulder slam lands in Warja's flank between her right hip and the last of her ribs. The move jolts her hindquarters to the side and the young medic is forced to sidestep to save her balance – an action that distributes the blow and lessens the extent of the damage. Heavy bruising to the upper external abdominal oblique of Warja's right side is Fiamette's reward. As for her efforts to bite and twist, they succeed. Her open mouth bite grants her purchase over the loose skin covering Warja's rib cage scant inches below her thoracic vertebrae, managing to ensnare a portion of skin and fat that spans three ribs. Between her teeth, Fiamette's prize bunches and ruptures, resulting in a moderate bite wound.

The wolverine's attack is largely thwarted by the quick thinking of Akemi. Unbeknownst to Warja, the aspiring Sentinel takes the impact intended for her hind leg and while it is unlikely that the small creature's biting attack is unaffected by Akemi's interception given the extent of it, some amount of damage is still possible but can't be accounted for at this moment without assuming responsibility for Marco's movements. (possible bite damage pending)

With much effort Warja pushes through the pain. Very aware that she is letting her security rest heavily on Akemi's shoulders, she focuses on the original trespasser. Through all of this Warja's step doesn't falter and she makes the snap decision not to let her attacker's grip change this. Instead she continues forward – a move that doubles as an attempt to break free from Fiamette's grasp and as the beginning of the young medic's second wave of attacks. Attempting to come in at a 70 degree angle in relation to the front of Art's right hind leg (a change in degrees courtesy of Fiamette's shoulder slam) with the intention of continuing her attempt to glide under Artemis, Warja moves to drive the front of her right shoulder into the kneecap of Artemis' right hind leg in the hopes of obliterating the joint. Simultaneously, her right forepaw descends in the hopes of stomping the digits of Artemis' right hind paw (her weight redistributing over her remaining three paws) into the dirt and damaging them irreversibly.

A split second later, Warja fixes on her third and final target. Her jaws part as her head lowers. The young medic tilts her chin up and to her right, her neck simultaneously arching as she attempts to sink her her fangs into the outside of Artemis' right thigh with the intention of severing the vastus lateralis muscle and rendering the limb useless.

Through all of this Warja's defenses either adapt to protect her from the forces working against her or remain solid and unshakable. Her eyes are narrowed, lids lowered and brow scrunched to protect her eyes from harm. Charred ears lay flat against her skull. The young medic's lips are curled and her nose wrinkled to expose parted fangs. Beneath her, her legs are bent at the knee to allow for flexible reactions and her stance is wide, her weight distributed evenly to accommodate her most recent attempts to cripple Artemis. Muscles are tense – Warja's body held rigid and defensive in anticipation of the retaliation that she knows is coming. Along her spine, the young medic's hackles are bristled and lend her the appearance of a disgruntled porcupine. The toes of her remaining grounded paws are splayed to complete her unshakable balance. Her head is lowered, the vertebrae sliding into ridged alignment up until reaching the base of her tail; the appendage is curled down and rests snugly against her belly.

RUNE, WARJA and AKEMI versus ARTEMIS and FIAMETTE for VARIOUS REASONS (Warja would like them to gtfo tho)
Round TWO of TWO

Speaking --Thinking