
Journey's fruition

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-20-2014, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 01:30 AM by Shaye I.)

Shaye wasn't happy when her mother dragged her back, she whined softly in complaint but gave no resistance. She made a quizzical face when in the next moment Motif was pushing her back to her father. It wasn't until the next tug and push that she realized her mother was communicating with her father. She gave a soft, surprised laughter, she remembered her mother explaining that her father spoke differently, but she never really grasped the implications of that. She giggled again and pawed gently at her dad when her mother spoke, before she herself would speak softly. “I get to stay with Daddy” she explained to him, as through she herself speaking the words would make him understand.

She didn't know more then a handful of her fathers words, for some reason this was all her mother would teach her. She understood her name was a mixture of the two, she understood that her name was unique in the pack her mother lived in, that was ok, that was exciting! Besides, she was sure her daddy would teach her more words. She snuggled up against his foot and waited for the two to come to an agreement, so she could go see Daddy's world! She loved him already, and well she knew she would miss her mum, it wouldn't be long before she saw her again. In fact, everything in her life was simply perfect.


Manip by Dancing-Crows



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