
The Hunt is On



6 Years
05-29-2013, 12:40 PM

The older female patiently allowed Azalea to lead them where ever she pleased. There was no sound of assent or dissent from the wolf who followed her. "Honestly, I've always wanted to be an Alpha," she answered when Azalea finally broke the silence with a question. It seemed overly ambitious to young Azalea, to want to be an alpha even as a whelp. Everyone had dreams though and surely some were seemingly more far fetched than others. She had to keep in mind that Epiphron was born pure of Adravendi blood. Her father was Cairo. Perhaps she had always had the keys to the kingdom?

"I could dream of no greater honor than serving Valhalla like this." Honor. Was Azalea looking for honor? Should she be? It was hard to pinpoint the key to a life lived well. Everyone had an opinion and no one wolf lived in mirror of another. Azalea considered this and behind her Epiphron seemed to consider her own thoughts. How like they were to be unrelated by blood.

The undergrowth rustled and the wolf froze in motion, right hind paw coming down slowly to touch the ground as her front left stay suspended in the air. A pair of squirrels popped from the long grass to chase each other up a fir tree. They were full of angry chatter. Her ears curved away from them as she turned back to the trail.

Epiphron advanced suddenly, to move by her. For a moment Azalea's throat choked up and she prepared to protest, struggling to hold fast to her place at the center of the thin trail. Then she let herself ease and fall off to the side so that she and her aunt were shoulder to shoulder. "What about you, Azalea? What do you wish for in your future?" Her answer came easy, it had been on her mind since she started the discussion. "Ask me a few months ago and I would have told you any type of fighter. I watched Chysanthe spar and learned a lot as well as questioned a lot." She paused. "I don't mind hunting though... so, I would not be unhappy to hunt for the pack. All the options are good ones but I would very much prefer to be active so that rules out healing or any den mother work." Her words were slow and broken up, very much thoughtful. "So I suppose whatever makes me the most useful. Right now though? Right now all I want for the future is security. I can feel it... What is going to happen to Valhalla? You, Icarus and you, will fix things right?"

No longer did she seem so resolute and strong. She focused on the ground, her eyes heavy with sorrow and guilt. "I'm sorry if my father did anything to make your position hard on you." She knew some blamed Collision for wearing Valhalla down, certainly Fenrir seemed to.
