
Waltzing Tornadoes

The Judge


12-20-2014, 03:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 04:52 PM by Evelyn.)


Round 1

10 for clarity: All clear to me
10 for powerplaying.  None seen
10 for defences.  legs apart, legs bent, toes spread, claws dug into ground, head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned.
6 for attack. Shoulder slam to left foreleg +1, tripping out right foreleg +1, bite to right foreleg plus attempted grip +4
10 for injuries.First round

Round one CASCADE Total: 46/50


3 for clarity: “...causing it to spring backwards and forcing Esti to either back up or raise herself higher.” Which is it? Since it is your own character it is up to you to decide which happens. -1 “...ramming with her right shoulder into Esti's left foreleg...” Where on her foreleg? Cascade was aiming for her elbow joint, so if she had raised up it may have hit around her ankle or just in between the two joint. -1 “Cascade's fangs sunk in and Esti felt the burn all the way up her leg.” How severe is the damage? Minor, moderate, or severe? You generally don't have to state how deep it is, only some do that and points aren't docked if you don't. However, you do need to state how severe the wound it, otherwise the judge decides. -2 “Esti attempted to pull back against Cascade's left foreleg with her right. She hoped Cascade would give enough resistance for her plan to work. Though the woman's teeth stung, buried in her right ankle, Esti was able to work through it.” How can she be pulling against Cascade's leg while her teeth are holding her ankle? Remember that she was going for a grip attempt, to hold Esti's right leg. Did she pull free of her grip, furthering damage in order to do this? -1 “Esti attempted to throw her weight forward and to her right onto Cascade...” Where on Cascade's body is she trying to jump into? Left shoulder area? Head on? Remember that at this point, you have yet to say if you have tried to get Esti's right foreleg out of Cascade's mouth. -1 “...and Cascade's left foreleg hooked with Esti's right.” Did she succeed in pulling it out? I would assume since she is slightly reared, that it would miss completely. -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences. legs bent, claws dug into ground, (You said “digging her toes into the ground” and I would watch the wording a bit, since digging claws into the ground is one defence and splaying toes is another. I gave it to you anyways, but just watch it a bit for next time!) tail aligned with spine, head aligned with spine, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, legs spread, stance made up for rearing.
4 for attack. Knocking over +1, bite to left ear +3
10 for injuries. First round. Minor bite to right front ankle -1 (pending tear damage) (Decided by judge)

Round one ESTI Total: 27/50

Round 2

10 for clarity: All clear
9 for powerplaying. “...would seek once more to bury her teeth in the inside of Esti's upper right foreleg just below the elbow with the intention of jerking the leg back toward Cascade's chest...” A bit of a conditional -1
10 for defences. weight distributed, toes spread, claws dug into ground, legs bent, shoulders rolled, tail aligned with spine, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed
4 for attack. Bite, pull and shrug +4

8 for injuries. Minor bruise across right shoulder -1, minor bite to scruff -1,

Round two CASCADE Total: 41/50

6 for clarity:  “Esti attempted to twist her head to her own left in order to prevent Cascade from getting a good grip by using her scruff against her.” Is she biting and twisting her head, or did she let go of her scruff? -1 “Esti winced as the teeth cut into the less meaty areas of her leg.” How severe? -2 “....but Esti, being heavier than her and above her, would resist.” How did she do this? Shifting weight? Pivoting? -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
7 for defences.  claws dug into ground, legs bent, ears tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, tail aligned with spine, stance widened,
5 for attack. grip attempt on scruff +4, knocking over +1
8 for injuries.  Minor bite to right front ankle -1 (Decided by judge), minor bite to right front inside of leg -1 (pending tear damage) (decided by judge)

Round two ESTI Total: 36/50


CASCADE: 87/100
ESTI: 63/100

And the winner is...

Cascade! Esti must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Cascade: Minor bruise will fade after 1 OOC week, minor bite to scruff will heal in 1 OOC week, will scar if tearing occurs.

Esti: Minor bite to front ankle will heal in 1 OOC week, minor bite to inside of front right leg will heal in 1 OOC week, will scar if tearing occurs.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Tea

Overall great fight from you! Good solid attacks, maybe toss in some more complex ones here and there.

For Iko

Alright, so I tried to give you as much notes as I could, Tea told me it was kind of a training thing for you. You did really well for a first time fighter! Just watch your clarity, make sure that you are clear where attacks hit and how much damage they did, and be more specific about your own attacks. You always want to say how you are doing so, but you were good with declaring the intent of the attack, which some don't! You did better in the second round, things were more clear, but just make sure to always list 10 defences, those are easy points there. If you want a list of defences just PM or skype me and I will be happy to give them to you. Also if you want to go through anything, don't be afraid to ask!

- By [Evelyn]