
Standing toe to toe


12-20-2014, 08:33 PM
He would wander back to the pack lands in his own sweet time, blood trickling lazily from various wounds but he paid no mind to them. They were minor anyways. He had gotten what he had wanted, Sibelle had kept her pack and in his mind his plight with her was done. His issues with her husband, though, were just beginning. But he was nothing if not a man of his word and he had given his word to Sibelle. So slowly he would lumber through the valley, knowing what he was looking for but not entirely sure where to find it. But then the scent would hit in and slowly the beast would turn to follow it. He would approach lazily, head head in a neutral position and tail drifting easily behind him. It was a considerable difference between him now and how he had been when he had fought Falk, adrenaline fuelled and caught up in the moment. Verdant gaze would catch the emancipated male as he faced his captor, trying to look brave but it is hard to look anything when so weak. Ky knew this from experience. The black male would stop a good distance away from the slave, expression neutral as he regarded the tall male. "You look like shit…" Ky would rumble lazily, gaze sweeping the male's form up and down once with an appraising look before looking over his shoulder as if expecting company. "You're free to go." He would rumble, speaking before he would turn his head back to look to Falk once more and appraising him lazily. Part of him was done already, ready to turn around and leave Falk to see himself out but another part was curious of his reaction, curious as to if he needed any more explanation or if he would take the freedom he had been granted and would leave. Did he want to fight for it? Kylar didn't really care, honestly all he wanted to do was rest a  while. Terrorizing neighbours made for long days after all...