
Standing toe to toe


12-21-2014, 02:46 AM
Falk held a little humour as Kylar commented on his appearance, funny how he was a more pleasant prisoner then Sibelle had been. But then again his capture hadn't been quite as violent nor had his imprisonment. They hadn't really had contact since his capture either, Kylar having other things on his mind. The look of surprise one Falk's features as Kylar told him he was free to go was probably the best part of Kylar's day and he would chuckle lightly. Why was he letting Falk go? "Because I want to. And because I promised Sibelle." He would say, inclining his head slightly in a motion for Falk to follow him before setting off towards the boarder, though not the most direct path Falk might have chosen, rather choosing to bring Falk to the remains of an elk the pack had brought down a day or so ago. Couldn't let him go home on an empty stomach. He would drift in silence for a time, every so often eyes would drift to Falk, making sure he was following. The beast would only stop when they approached the elk, head still intact and part of it flank still had flesh but the rest was slowly getting picked clean. "The least I can do is send you home with some food in your belly…" Words were easy, a deep rumble that rolled up his belly and reverberated off his tongue, head motioning for Falk to eat if he liked, if not then they could carry on to the boarder. Kylar felt the need to escort him for the sole reason… Cat had not been impressed with Falk's release and no one else knew of Falk's release, Kylar didn't want anyone giving the emancipated male any issues before he got home.