
The Hunt is On



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-29-2013, 01:23 PM

Just a few seasons ago, she had felt very much like a child still. She'd grown a bit mentally over the winter leading into her first year, when their home had been destroyed, when she and Syrinx had traveled with Erani in search of the others. It had hardened her slightly -- taken away some innocent that she knew she would never regain. It had also given her a new-found sense of confidence and pride, which had only grown since then.

And yet over the last season, she had finally made the transition from child to adult. Meeting Maverick had been a game changer for her, but what had really effected her was being suddenly given the position of Alpha. It was not earned, it hadn't been fought for, but she had simply been given it. Epiphron had realized rather abruptly that she was not entirely ready for such a change, but she would try her hardest to be the leader that Valhalla needed.

Her thoughts strayed a bit, as the woman was lulled into a sense of calm around Azalea. Epiphron was somewhat taken by surprise as the two squirrels appeared from the underbrush, blinking quickly and pausing in her tracks. She never would've made a good hunter. She'd been considering training as a warrior before her promotion, and Leon's sudden disappearance. She wondered if he, too, was unhappy with the way the pack was being run.. or rather, not run.

There was little hesitation in her niece's answer. She seemed inclined to be either a hunter or a warrior, something active. How similar they were, despite the fact that they were not blood related. It brought another grin to Epiphron's face, but the expression faded slightly at her niece's question. "I hope we can, Azalea," she answered somberly, briefly dipping her nose to the earth to sniff at the dirt half-heartedly. "Truthfully, I don't know Icarus well, and I haven't had time to speak with him alone yet. But I know my father wouldn't hand the rule of Valhalla to someone who would run it into the ground." And while she did not say it, that was precisely why he had taken the throne temporarily from Collision, because his decisions were not in the best interest of the pack. Of course, the male could have fought for it, but thankfully he had not.

"Collision was simply misguided," she said, truthfully and sincerely. "You don't have to apologize for your father's actions, but I appreciate it. I know that he meant the best for Valhalla, but... failed in his execution." She frowned a bit, but did not sound angry at her adopted brother. How could she? Even if he had angered many Valhallan wolves, she was not one of them. She was a bit disappointed that he had yet to show his face, but alas. "I do have a lot of damage to repair, though, don't I?"