
Demons Never Die [Meeting]


05-29-2013, 04:30 PM

Everything seemed to be falling apart. Cairo had spoken. Speaking harshly against Valhalla and its members, one in particular, though she didn't personally know the brute. A frown creased her face, ears turning back. This wasn't the home that she had joined. Tension in the air was thicken enough to cut. Everyone was restless and unhappy. Cairo handed some brute the title of Alpha beside Epiphron. None of this made sense. Dual toned eyes followed the ex King as he made his exit, followed by Soliel, who seemed desparate to escape. Did she want to stay? She was once more feeling useless, having no completed her training, nor seeing any sign of new Lead Healer. But for now she would wait and see what this new male had to say. So far he just sat there. Unmoving. Silent. She found it odd. Here was this new Alpha, doing nothing to calm his pack down? Brows lifted as Epiphron spoke, offering her place as Alpha to her sister and would take her place in Sercia. Both girls would be wonderful leaders, no matter where they ended up, that she ws sure of.

Through the haze of her thoughts, the ivory dame came to a decision. She would travel to Sercia, see what the pack was about, and possibly make her new home there. She didn't want to be around if Valhalla fell. Blinking slowly, eyes became sad. Once the pack meeting was over, she would say her goodbyes and then head off. There was no reason to linger. She was ready to settle down, find her happiness once more, and put her skills to use. A soft sigh slipped from her lips. She would be patient, she would wait for the Alpha to speak and end the meeting before she left.

"speech" thought