
Nature Caught In The Wind



5 Years
12-22-2014, 12:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The half smile on her face grew into one more full, more genuinely happy rather than simply amused. It was good to hear that Terrae was comfortable here too, just as she was, though in the back of her mind she continued to remind herself that it was only a temporary set up. At some point they would leave again, likely sooner as opposed to later, and they would wind up somewhere else entirely, wherever it was their elder brothers decided it best for them to go. And like a dutiful sister, she would follow, as she supposed her other littermates would too. They were whole as one, capable of standing alone but more when together. She could not imagine their small band breaking apart for any reason.

Ah, there it was! That little admission of what it was, really, that her earthy brother was looking out for most. Green. Green and wild and full of life, a forest that attested to its strength and vitality. Gale grinned at the thought, her tail giving a few humorous wags against her brother's side. Mm, with a nice, big, green open meadow hidden in it where the winds make all kinds of noise," she added, combining her own wishes with his. Could it be possible for the both of them - for all of them for that matter - to find a single location that met all of their desires? It seemed such a stretch but it felt possible to find a place that connected her to Terrae, maybe even Glacier since his connotation with ice meant tall, windy peaks. As for Locha...

As much as she wanted to consider herself closely bonded with all of her siblings, there felt to be some invisible strain there with her sister. Maybe it was all in her head, or maybe it was just the trek across the land bridge from their island home that made her wonder how in the world it was anyone could actually like waters like that, but the sentiments had yet to retreat. They bothered the grey and lavender girl a little, especially now when it was so quiet her thoughts were all but screaming inside her head. We're all so different, you know," she said a little solemnly, turning her head to gaze at their large, slumbering brother and the little mass of grey that was Locha beside him, "we all like such different things. Do you think we'll find another home that suits all of us? Like the island did?" Maybe that, too, was a stretch, but to her knowledge each of them had been at home on their island, at least before their brothers were forced away. In her mind, it was the last place where they had all of them been truly comfortable.