
Lets watch this city burn


12-22-2014, 07:59 PM

He would let it slip that he had five children waiting for him to return home. She would glance at him form the corner of her eye, looking back in the direction in which he had come. "Perhaps I'll take one home with me so you can have a break." Her voice was deceptively soft, lips lifting into a smirk as she continued to toy with him. As she draped herself across his borders, he would snap in her direction, a snarling curling his lips. A throaty moan would spill from dangerous lips as she leaned towards him so that her hot breath could waft over his flesh. She continued to test his limits, wanting know exactly how far she could push him before he snapped.

His insulted words would fill her ears, lifting a singular brow. His eyes would go wide with mock shock, a ivory paw lifting to fan himself. She would roll her eyes. "Perhaps Ill do more than just insult you." Her voice was a murmur, though lyrics dripped the sweetest of sins and held such promise. She thought back to their spar and the fun she had had in spilling his innocent blood. She still kindly deny how surprised she had been when she found him at her borders looking for a fight. Though it had been more than enjoyable. Perhaps she should spill more of his sweet blood now. She could smear it across the borders of his home and announce to the world that he belonged to her.

"Burn Baby Burn"