
New Staff & Promotions



05-29-2013, 09:30 PM
Alright m'loves as spoke about, we have gone through about 20 some odd apps and have selected those who we think will be the best long-term, and also those that we think are the most active and committed. These choices were all discussed in depth by all admins, and we hope that entrusting these people to keep Alacritis strong, would be best.

We want to really just throw arms wide open and celebrate something incredible here, Alacritis. That would be the promotion of a very important person. She has exemplified maturity, grace under stress, and the willingness to do what needs to be done for Alacritis without much hesitation. Andy and I lingered over this for a moment, but in the end, we both came to an agreement that we couldn't turn away from. Serendipity is now an owner of Alacritis. She has jurisdiction to make and take away rules for the site, she has the ability to demote and promote mods, and all that we turn to is communication. In the end, we know she's a perfect decision and we will not be turning away from this.

As for the rest of what we had opened, we will be welcoming you all to the Alacritis Administration teams with arms wide open. We hope that as you step-up and join us, you will truly find a sense of pleasure and pride in being here. We hope that you truly have a passion for this place, and that you can find yourself thriving here. Withour further ado please welcome

Aislyn as a bio-moderator.

Aislyn, we know that you are a smart & helpful member of Alacritis, I hope that bringing you back onto the staff team will show that you still love this site and still want to be a part of it. We love you, love your enthusiasm, and we love your dedication and loyalty. Welcome back to the staff team, we hope your stay is long.

Azzy as a Gemstore Mod

Azzy has been on alacritis for goodness gracious a very long time. Five months easily? She's smart, sweet, and dedicated. It amuses us how much she's on even when she's supposed to be in school. Whether it has taken her posting from her phone, or anything else, to be here, she has been, and to us, that speaks volumes. Azzy, you were chosen for many many reasons that I could talk on all day, but in the end, we just know you were a perfect choice, and we hope that you'll be a long standing member here.

Starsight as a Gemstone Mod

Starsight the original, you are a fun-to-talk-to, dedicated member of Alacritis, and we have enjoyed watching you write here. We hope there's a long time left! you're on quite a bit and willing to help, which we absolutely love. We hope that you plan on sticking around, and we hope and I know that you are going to please us. You are imaginative, ingenuitive, and just perfect to entrust with a job on this site. Welcome!

Vivien as a Player database Mod

Vivien you are fantastic, I really like talking to you, I really love watching your write, and I really love how you interract with the members of the forum. You're smart, classy, and a well-rounded person, and we hope that that shines through as we pull you aboard the Alacritis team! I truly hope we get to see more of you and your creations.

Ocenanus as an Advertisement Mod

You are one-of-a-kind chica! We love you, and we are really glad that you wanted this position, because, most people tend to avoid it lol. We know that you'll do well, and we know that you will please us in your actions. Hopefully, we'll get to see some true work on your part and we will really get to see you grow. :) Welcome to the staff team, I'm really happy to have you.

Taske as a Clean-up Mod

Taske, you were a fantastic GM on the old Ala, and we really hope that it all comes back with beauty. You are amazing, but of course, you know that, and I hope that you really keep true to who you are. I love watching your characters develop and thrive in their independence and I hope that here on out you are able to really thrive and have fun on Ala again. We're so happy you came back, and even happier that you want to be up here with us again.

Tad as a Clean-up Mod

Tad, we're really glad you came back, and we're really glad that you found the heart for this site again. We missed you like crazy, and even myself (this is lu by the way) admires how sweet you tend to be. Hopefully, a job like this will be enough to show you how much we appreciate, and love, you.

Raii as an Entertainment Mod

In the end, considering you are going to Law school, (good luck by the way, if i ever need a lawyer i'll hit you up) we decided giving you an easy job would be best. All you will have to do, really, is be in control of the OTM's and make sure they happen every month. I hope that this job is good for you, and I hope that you have fun running it. I know I did back when I was first staffing sites. Welcome to the team, we hope you enjoy it!

This next part was decided about 5 minutes ago so, last but not least

We are promoting this girl based on her willingness and devotion to Alacritis, she's perfect and does her best here. Even with all the crazy in her life she's around and she's active, which wow is just an amazing thing to witness. We really, didn't need to talk about this with as much as you've been doing, and we really didn't need to harp on it for more than a few seconds. Nyx You are officially promotes to Global Moderator, meaning you are kinda like the boss? Yep, you're the boss bby. You've got a lot of ala-smarts, know what's what, and we receive you with the utmost pleasure.

everyone feelf ree to post here and congratulate all these people

**If you could all PM the alacritis account with the account name you want powers added to, let me know.