
hold onto me...


12-23-2014, 02:25 PM
They were getting restless, she could tell. Tossing and turning and pestering. Oh so pestering... It needed to be remedied, it needed to be fixed so this night she would do just that. Slowly she would roll onto her belly, the chill of the night air seeping in through the cracks of the den before she would reach down and nudge at the little balls of fluff nestled into her belly. She hated that they liked to cuddle, it made her too warm pressed between Nova and them... But the tiny demon would lift herself, horned best silent as she moved to the mouth of the cave and looked back at them. "Come with me." It was a command, words soft and yet hard at the same time as she stepped forth from the den and into the cold. She had waited for the cover of night to take them on their first excursion out, didn't want them to be spotted just yet. "We need to be very quiet, any noises and the monster might come out and get you..." Her voice was a hushed whisper, head lowering so she could make eye contact with her children to show them just how serious she was. They would listen or they would be staying home...