
How much is that doggie in the window?



4 Years
12-23-2014, 07:22 PM
Gaia was not often without the presence of her large red bodyguard, and soon-to-be husband. After he'd given her the cardinal though it seemed easier and more comfortable to be without him there. Somethings could not be done at her side, and as he was out to catch their next meal she would find herself strolling around the lake. Life always seemed to be throwing curveballs at the girl and her siblings, it was almost nice to be in Ebony. Life seemed quieter here with out the almost overbearing eye of the older olympians to watch her. In some ways she had much more freedom now than when she was within Olympus borders.

Still, she felt almost useless. There wasn't much expected over her and chores were not often divvied out to the blind she wolf. Solo seemed to easily take on her share of the work. She wanted to train though, she didn't want to be the helpless wraith that haunted the woods. How was she going to learn to defend herself without a wolf like Natalya to help? A sigh would filter through her lips before finding the scent of her brother near by. She hadn't spent much time with any of her siblings recently, even if they were close by. Finding herself eager to speak with him her trot would increase, the fluffy red bird on her shoulder would be disturbed slightly. His wings would flap and he would move to the back of her neck. Curiously she would seek out her larger brother, curious what he was doing with his time. "Nem?" She would call out as she drew more near, not completely sure where he was laying.