
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-11-2013, 02:59 PM

Blackened plumed tail curled delicately around her haunches. Ricochet's overall untouched frame sat pristinely in front of her sister. Her face was sober - albeit pleased - though her insides were burning with joy at finding her sister once more. Perhaps this way she could hold on to one shred of her family that was still moderately intact. The betrayal of her father and the loss of Tortuga had nearly been too much to bear, sending the woman into a persona that she was not used to playing, but now she could go back to who she was, or even develop into someone new. I've seen better days. She heaved a sigh, recalling the events of the past week. Bi colored eyes rolled and narrowed slightly as Jokull was brought back up. It seemed Zarzenova had not seen him either. A growl reverberated in her trachea as she thought of him. He'd always been the oddball of the trio, not that any of them were normal by any standards. Figures, she muttered in vain. Ricochet would just have to resolve that he had probably moved on, gotten lost in the wind, or was lying dead somewhere. No matter which of the three it was, it was doubtful he'd ever return.

As her sister spoke up, Ricochet listened intently, both ears swiveled forward so she wouldn't miss a thing. Funny how eager she was to hear someone speak to her. Normally Ricochet only liked tying webs of lies around other wolves and then weaving her way out of them. It was delicate fun, something that she was masterful at. But now, now she had resorted to listening. I know not what has become of them. Father left Kaien in charge of Tortuga, and shortly after that the volcano erupted. I haven't seen any of them since. I don't even know if they are alive, not that I really care at this point.. She muttered the last part, but it was still incredibly audible and she was sure her sister would pick up on it. Now you tell me, where did you get off to? I haven't seen you in months. She tilted her head upward as the jay who had sounded earlier shifted into the tree directly above her, chattering off his alarm once more. A swift bark shut him up rather quickly, but she knew he'd return.


ooc; mmm.. muse is escaping me today, but eh.. it's here. xD