
I Can Be Lonely All By Myself


05-30-2013, 02:10 AM

{ Shades }

Sunlight sifted through the tree branches and played in the varying hues of Shade's coat as she stalked through the underbrush. A few feet in front of her, a little mouse scurried through the leaves, unaware that a hungry beast was closing in on him. Wide-eyed and almost trembling, Shades carefully closed the distance between them, saliva oozing out from behind her jowls. Inexperience and maddening hunger quickly seized her, and, before she could stop it, a strained whine squeezed out of her throat, alerting the mouse to her presence and sending it dashing off into hiding. But, quick as the mouse was, Shades was quicker, and the tiny creature was soon smashed and dead between her jaws. A quick gulp sent the carcass down to her aching, hollow belly.

Thirst drove her to the rivers edge, and she bowed her head to drink. Her reflection was gaunt and skinny, showing the consequences of eating only mice and wasting precious energy chasing fat rabbits in vain.

Shades was an inexperienced hunter, having been separated from her pack before her training was finished. Mice, though measly, were easy enough to catch, but the plump, succulent rabbits in the area were too quick and agile for the novice hunter to capture. Even more difficult were the many fish swimming in the river, taunting her with their evasiveness. She was starving despite being surrounded by food.

A crushing sense of loneliness and helplessness washed over her, and tears began to well up in her eyes. Winter was coming, and if she was having such a hard time hunting in autumn, then she would surely die once the snows fell and prey became more scarce. Shades, as independent as she thought she could be, would die living by herself.